Desolation Sound Sailing trip – Log 6

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19 June 2013

Last night we decided to stay an extra day at Comox Marina so that we can stock up on more fresh produce. Not knowing what will be available we want to make sure that we have enough salads and fresh fruit to last along the way. This morning when we can sleep late we both wake up early – murphy’s law! I am wide awake at 5:30am but I try not to wake Wolf. Boats are leaving the harbour and there is nothing to do but get up and enjoy watching and waving as the SNSYC gang set off for various islands and will eventually meet up at Campbell River in 2 days, to begin their trip to the Broughtons.


We take a short walk into Comox, a town of 12 000 residents. Comox has good shopping at a nearby mall, and a number of restaurants and a chandlery within walking distance. When we arrived yesterday we noticed that the sea was a muddy red colour. I asked the yachties whether this was a red-tide but they said no. (Red tide signifies “no eating of shellfish” in this area. Contamination  affects only bivalve molluscs, i.e., shellfish with two shells. Other shellfish, such as shrimp, prawns, etc., and finfish are not affected.)

On our way back we pass an aluminum boat with big containers of seaweed being filtered and aerated and stop to ask about it. The lady in charge confirms that it is red-tide and warns that we should NOT eat any shellfish from contaminated areas. The effects of the toxins they carry are deadly, causing paralysis and, if not treated quickly, can cause death.

The lady is from ‘Project Watershed’ whose mandate is the restoration of eelgrass habitat. Harvesting and transplant work started in May, 2013 and will continue for a while. Working from a boat, a surface team prepares and counts the eelgrass and then a team of scuba divers transplants as many as 1,500 shoots a day. The transplanting is to compensate for the area that was dredged. The lady tells us that eelgrass can convert more carbon dioxide than a 20year old conifer. (She did tell us how much eelgrass could do this, but I can’t recall the exact number.)
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Photo by Lara Tryon

Wolf is able to video them attaching metal washers to each stem before bundling them in preparation for the divers. We saw the divers go out earlier.

This afternoon Wolf does an oil change on both of Karibu’s engines because, there is a recycle area for used engine oil, here in the yard and, it is overdue.

The weatherman has not issued a good forecast for tomorrow- looks like a chance of showers tonight with rain early Thursday morning continuing through the day.

We will go regardless of the weather since we only have 11 more days of vacation, of which 3 will be spend on the return trip.

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