East African sailing trip – Log 10

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July 22, 2004

Bill & Jen invite us to join them; they plan to take a dingy ride to Margaruque Island however we decline as we will fetch water from the Lodge. Marlin Lodge has its own well and a filtration plant and will fill jerry-cans on the beach for visiting yachts.

Let me see
Sunshine on our shoulders

While Wolf ferries water back and forth I visit the main office to change money and post my letters. Collette will put them into the mailbag and send them to Johannesburgto be posted.

We are thankful that we did not go with Bill & Jen because they had stuff taken from their tender. It reminds us that we are still in Africa and must be careful not to leave anything unattended.

July 23, 2004

The wind has swung to NE making the anchorage off Marlin Lodge too bumpy, we decide to move back to Benguerra Lodge for the night.  It is good to be on our own again. Bill and Jen are going to Vilanculos to renew their visas, we will catch up with them at Indigo Bay in a few days.

July 24, 2004

Dingy on the davit
we pull the dingy up every night

We woke up early and after our breakfast quickly tidied the boat winched in the anchor and set sail for Indigo Bay.

The trip takes about 3 hours as we have to dodge sandbars. We have no problems as it is high-tide; the depth sounded never showing less that 2 meters.

We wait for low-tide before we drop the dingy to go exploring. Indigo Bay is even more beautiful than we expect; a luxury 5 star hotel built by a wealthy man from Dubai.

The hotel stretches along the coastline allowing every room a spectacular view of the ocean and in the distance one can see Paradise Island. We meet some of the staff at the boat house and sit at the beach bar sipping sundowners and watching TV on the big screen.

Back on board neither of us are able to sleep. I am frustrated lying in my bunk tossing and turning waiting for Mr. Sandman who obviously was working ashore and forget to call on Karibu

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Birthday buffet breakfast
I am so spoilt – my birthday treat

By 5:30am we are chatting again; discussing anything and everything. Wolf is taking me ashore for breakfast at the Hotel as it is my birthday.

I could have chosen dinner but I did not feel like dressing up and then having to ride in a tender and traipse across the beach, probably sandy and wet.

At 7:30am I have finished all the washing and we take the dingy ashore. My 53rd Birthday is a truly memorable one,

We eat our breakfast – buffet style full-house English breakfast- out on the patio overlooking the ocean. We can see KARIBU bobbing in the brilliant blue bay far below surrounded by the other boats belonging to the hotel.

Indigo Bay Rani Hotel
What a fabulous place

When our tummies are full and we can not eat another morsel we go off to see if I can call Jo in Canada. She contacts Rob and they both call back to wish me a great day… it can’t get better. That’s what I think.

Wolf is chatting to some of the staff and mentioned that all I want for my birthday is to speak to the kids and a fresh water shower.

We are just about to leave when Bobbie the PR Manager comes up to me and hands me a key to room 28.

My room for the day
A prefect gift on a perfect day

“Happy Birthday, compliments of Indigo Bay Hotel management and staff,” he says. “Take your time and ENJOY!”

I am astounded and quite choked up. We are escorted to the fabulous room and my elation turns to ecstasy when I notice a beautiful white bath including the toweling robes!

We take turns at a wonderful hot bath and allow ourselves to lie there and soak in 70 litres of hot, clean, fresh water! PURE decadence! I meet Mr John Grey the manager and thank him from the bottom of my heart. The world is full of wonderful people.

Wolf buys me a hand carved model aeroplane made by one of the locals and that seals this day’s perfection.

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