East African sailing trip – log 24
September 7, 2004
The sound of men singing in harmony draws us from our sleep. It is the sound of the contented fishermen from the villages around the harbour, coming out in the dugouts to catch their daily supply of food for their families.
It is 5:30am and we notice immediately that Karibu is facing Pemba and we realize the wind has changed direction.
After breakfast Wolf and Rhett take a dingy rise out into deeper water to try and catch “Lulas” calamari… unfortunately they come back empty handed.
At 9:30am we lift the anchor and make our way to the harbour-mouth and into the open sea. We have several options, either we head up the Rio Tari which lies 10nm away or we head for the first of many islands which we will pass and hopefully visit between here and Tanzania.
We have only been sailing for 1 hour when the wind swings back to NE and we realize that we should probably explore the river option.
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We find the channel and head into the river mouth anchoring at low-tide in 6.4mt close to a village.
No one has approached our boats being too busy going about their own tasks of fishing and gathering for dinner.
The wind keeps us onboard and mostly inside as we wait for the wind to change again. I work on my photographs and Wolf keeps himself busy with boat chores; the most pressing one is still trying to find the problem causing fuel starvation to the motors…
He’s beginning to look comfortable in this position, don’t you agree?
Seriously though, this is really troubling as the fuel starvation usually happens in unexpected times causing the motors to cut out in the most critical times – murphy’s law I suppose – (as a matter of interest to you the reader, he has done so many moditifications and changes and to this date April 2012 – we still have this problem – if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, we would love to hear from you – you can find us by filling in the form under the contact tab – or leave us a comment in the comment box below)
I bake muffins from Denise’s 30 day muffin recipe (find this in the recipe section of this website – it’s delicious) and fresh bread-rolls which we eat for lunch with cheese and sweet fresh organic tomatoes.