Desolation Sound Sailing Trip – Log 3

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16 June 2013,

We relish a great morning cuppa in the cockpit, It is another glorious day; the skies brilliant blue flecked with white fluffy clouds. Happy Father’s Day wishes go out to all the fathers reading this blog. We walk up to the washrooms and take a hot shower before heading back to Karibu for a latish start to the next leg of our trip. We cast off the lines at 9:00am heading north to find the marina on Newcastle Island where the rendezvous of the Sidney North Saanich Yacht Club members who are heading up to the Broughton Islands, plan to share fellowship, ‘appies’ and drinks. We joined the yacht club recently and are eager to meet some of the members.

 BC Ferries coming out of Departure Bay, Nanaimp, BCBy 10:00am we are heading down the west side of Newcastle and we realize that we probably missed the marine park anchorage. The only anchorage along the way is a large one situated directly opposite the Nanaimo Commercial harbour where we spent the night. We decide to back-track. Sure enough after choosing a mooring buoy to tie up to, we lower our dingy and head for the docks and there they all are, tied to the jetties. We introduce ourselves telling them we are new members to the club and that we had heard of their trip to the Broughtons that we had been in contact with their Squadron Leader, Cathy, who had sent us their itinerary.

Newcastle Island off Nanaimo, BCWolf and I walk ashore. Newcastle Island Marine Park is open all year, visitor moorage is provided on the mooring buoys or the dock. Anchorage is prohibited in Mark Bay. Those boats wanting to anchor have to do so on the other side near Protection Island. The facilities in the park provide many hiking trails, camp sites, and beaches to explore. Rental kayaks, stand-up boards, and canoes are on offer, and a Pavilion offers a dance floor, restaurant, snack bar and a visitor’s center with excellent interpretive displays giving details of the natural and human history of the island. Tired and hungry we head back to Karibu and I rustle up a salad while Wolf cooks a few Pork rashers on the BBQ.
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Restaurant & Pub on Protection IslandWe dingy across to Protection Island on the South end of Newcastle island visiting the Pub and Grill and exploring the shoreline. A taxi boat ferries patrons to and from Nanaimo at regular intervals. Our afternoon is spent back on Karibu, reading, napping and then painting the topside of the cockpit roof. The whole deck needs new antiskid paint and we have brought a few tins to complete this task as we get the opportunity. We manage to complete it and it looks brand new again. (Until the next seagull decides to use it as a landing pad and leaves a deposit).

Canada Goose and goslings visit our yacht4:45pm We dingy ashore and join the group for a pleasant evening of chatter and introductions. We seem to form an instant connection with Janette and Tom on yacht Charabanc. They invite us to their boat after the meet up to discuss good spots to visit while we are in Desolation Sound. Everyone is helpful and very willing to add advice and tips on Desolation Sound sailing.

looking cross the bay from Newcastle Island towards Namaimo7:00pm – Tummies stuffed from all the good appetizers and excellent wine, dinner is the last thing on our mind. Instead we sit in the cockpit watching the seals, and Wolf feeds a Canada Goose mom and her seven goslings, still covered in their yellow coloured down feathers. Later after begging for morsels from the surrounding boats they reappear and I put my foot down, siting the “Don’t feed the wild animals and birds” rule.
At 10:30pm the last of the daylight has faded and we retire to our cabin.

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